Today Sam went in for an MRI, and did all the things I had really hoped he would not do. He fought with the nurses when they put an IV in, and then he fought with them the other two times they put the IV in (because the first two times didn't work). He fought with me when I told him to go to sleep, then finally when they had given him so much medicine he had maxed out and his eyes were forced to close against his will he continued to fight it, which was really funny because the nurse kept thinking he was truly out and got ready to move the bed and then he would rise up and start talking and swinging around some more. The cute thing is that toward the end he turned all sweet and started giving me kisses and telling me he loved me very much (with his eyes closed).
When he woke up he was a grouch. He scream-cried at everything, and demanded cookies and water and then cried when I gave them to him and choked on the water because his muscles wouldn't work right. I put him on the couch for just a moment to fill his cup and he fell off in slow motion (didn't really hurt him, in other words) and couldn't raise his head up--it was like watching the chickens at the Boneless Chicken Ranch on Far Side. He's fine now, sleeping like a log, and hopefully he'll be coordinated tomorrow because he is really getting heavy to carry!
Anyway, I never want to do that again, at least not with this child, so I hope they got everything they needed. Now I just need to get through the next week and a half, which involves Andrei getting an MRI (general anesthesia for that one!), Elena getting a kidney ultrasound, Alex getting his hormone levels checked, Inga going to dentist for possible teeth pulling (her adult teeth are growing in behind her baby teeth, which is why she isn't losing any), Elena and Alex getting immunization shots, Andrei spending the night at the hospital for a sleep study, Alex and Andrei having speech evaluations with a new speech therapist (the public schools are not doing a good job, so we have to go private), Alex getting an intensive hearing test, Andrei and Alex getting evaluated by an ENT for surgery in August, and Sam's first opinion hand surgeon appointment. Then we go to Maine to live with Dad for the next 6 weeks, free of all doctor visits but enjoying the company of the one doctor that doesn't ever want to operate on them. Although it would be fun for the kids to try on some fake casts like the good ol' days...
1 comment:
Wow! so many doctors!
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