Sunday, February 10, 2008

I guess it's all about America

Hmmm...I guess I knew this already. Thanks, Mandy, for the idea.

I've been sick recently, really sick. Fever, exhaustion, lying in bed and unable to teach or do much sick, for a week and a half. The kids have been awesome, taking care of me by bringing me books and fluffing my pillows (on the couch) and stroking my head and I have responded by allowing them to watch movies. A good deal all around. Andrei actually got antsy that he was missing so much school and he asked me to teach him math from the couch. He's such a great kid!

I've been reading the book Anne gave me for Christmas (thank you, Anne!!) by Barbara Kingsolver called Animal, Vegetable, Miracle--it's really great. It puts me in the mood for Spring because it is all about buying local food (and organic) and preserving varieties of vegetables and fruits by thinking outside the box and growing your own stuff which gives you more options than the "chosen for travel hardiness" varieties available from California. It also discusses what the "big corporate business" mindset means when applied to food and this involves pesticides and massive amounts of corn and soy which is turned into wonderful products such as high fructose corn syrup etc. which is of course in a lot of pre-prepared or fast foods Americans eat and which gets into the whole "overfed but undernourished Americans" discussion. Sorry, long sentences with total run-on issues but this illness has fried my brain as well as my body. I am so ready for Spring, now!! Anyway, I have been leaning more and more toward local produce recently anyway but this book does an excellent job of putting into words all of the thoughts that have been running around my head since we first started our elimination diet craze.

Reading this book has also made me think a lot more about buying American, and what that means in the big picture. I'm still figuring it out, but this ties into my thoughts on getting a larger van in the near future...can't help but buy American there, since there really aren't any other options. So count me in for being patriotic!

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