On our first day back from Sam's adoption I had the most amazing day. And not in a good way.
We made it back to Maryland on Saturday afternoon, racing from Connecticut to make it to a doctor's appointment before the office closed (it closes at noon on Saturdays). We made it just in time, and found out that Sam and I have some sort of Russian cold/flu thing, and he has an ear infection on top of it, and I have bronchitis on top of mine. So we headed home, prescriptions in hand. When we got there, after having been gone for two weeks, we realized that when we went around unplugging things before we left we had accidentally unplugged the freezer in the basement. Hundreds of dollars worth of food was rotting away, and a brownish disease-laden pool of thick liquid had gathered around the freezer and meandered across portions of the floor. I, being the idiot of the decade, opened the freezer door for some reason just to check and make sure it was really that bad. I almost fainted from the smell, which then of course did not go away regardless of how fast I closed that door immediately afterward.
So of course I went upstairs and didn't say anything because I didn't want to deal with it. I'm jetlagged (11-hour time difference), and I'm sick--at least I have a little excuse. I managed to forget about it until about dinner-time. I was starting to boil water for spaghetti when Andrei came downstairs, covered in something that looked like a nightmare version of last night's dinner. It was. He had thrown up all over his bed, soaking right through his comforter down to the two mattress covers and into the mattress. Everything had to be washed. Which led me down to the basement. Oh, yeah, the smell from the freezer was still lingering! I rinsed everything out (major chunks involved, not a pretty sight) in the utility sink and dumped it in the washing machine and started the laundry. Then I went upstairs to finish making dinner, Dan went to the pharmacy to pick up our prescriptions and some diet Sprite for the now three sick people in our home, and the kids proceeded to completely wreck every room in the house while our attention was elsewhere. Fast forward two hours. We had finished eating, and given everyone baths, and then for some reason everyone had to go to the bathroom, all at the same time. We have three toilets in the house, and there were five people who had to go. Elena didn't make it. She peed all over my bedroom floor, massive amounts of liquid that I did not know one person could possibly hold (let alone one of the tender age of 4). Andrei and Alex were standing right next to her, in their pajamas with the feet on the bottom, so I had to strip and wash them, too. Basically I had to re-give the baths I had just given. I almost laughed, the day was so disastrous. I'm glad I didn't--I needed to save that laugh for a few minutes yet. After washing the kids I went down to the basement to do yet another load of laundry. The basement was flooded. The extension plug that leads to the freezer also leads to the water pump down in the basement. Since it was not plugged in, the water that dumps out of the washing machine did not get pumped up and out of the laundry sink as it is supposed to, but instead got dumped onto our basement floor. I was flabbergasted. I finally laughed.
And this is the point where the person you marry really makes the difference. Dan cleaned everything up, and I mean everything. The house is now back to its original cheery 1960's bad wallpaper self, with a clean non-smelly freezer (empty) and a dry basement and laundry all done and put away. Dan took the kids to church this morning (Andrei and Sam stayed home with me since we were all sick), and fed them when he got home. I, on the other hand, got a massive nap this afternoon, and enough time to myself this evening to write this blog and catch up on reading everyone else's. I don't usually get to lounge around, but this time I'm just going to relax and enjoy it. What a day!