Thursday, March 29, 2007

Heard around our house

It has been one full year since we first took Alex off of wheat and milk products. Our idea was to try it for a year, and then see what happened. Well, he has done amazingly well and I was afraid to take him off of his new diet. However, the nutritionist said his intestines may have had a chance to heal and may work correctly now that we have given them a break. So we went ahead and allowed him to have something with wheat in it, a small amount to start. After about ten minutes he started shaking his head from side to side and banging his spoon into the table and screaming. Both Dan and I tried to calm him down, but we were trying so hard not to laugh we weren't much use. Finally Dan said, "Alex, if you want to eat normal food, you'd better start acting normal!". I gave up pretending not to laugh, and had to excuse myself from the table. I don't know if it really was the wheat (how could it have happened that fast?) or if he was just having a moment, but I am not in a hurry to try wheat again. I have become the Wheat Nazi.

The kids were finishing lunch and Sam was safely ensconced in his high chair when I looked at the clock and realized we were late for an appointment (to get Alex's staples out of his head, actually). I grabbed a washcloth and started washing Sam's face vigorously and exclaimed "Shoot!", all at the same time. Sam looked up at me with his freshly scrubbed face, thought a moment, and then said, "Bolshoi shoot!" (which roughly translated means, "big-time 'shoot'!")

The kids were all in the van, Elena, Alex, and Sam in the back seat and Inga and Andrei in the middle seats. Elena asked Andrei to pass her something that was lying on the floor in front of him just out of reach. Andrei carefully reached down with his feet and picked it up, attempting to retrieve it with his hands, but having difficulty. "Don't use your feet, Andrei," Elena exclaimed, "you're not a girl!"


Anne Marie said...

What adorable nieces and nephews I have!

bkessler said...

What happened to Alex's head?

Jennifer Elizabeth said...

OK, OK, I did cut the kids' hair as soon as we got home!

Megan said...

Noooo! Alex's hair looked so cute in that picture!

Megan said...

I concur: What happened to Alex's head? I mean, come on - THREE head wounds and I haven't heard about any of them?! And by the way, do you ever answer your phone? I had a great April Fool's joke to play on you and an idea for one that you could've played on Mom and you blew them both. Tell Alex Happy 'Doption Day from me.

Jennifer Elizabeth said...

Oh. Head wound, not haircut. Nothing very exciting, he just fell off a stepping stool backwards. The first cut was at Ben K's house when he tipped backwards off a chair, and the second was when he slipped on a blanket coming out of his bed and fell backwards on the wooden frame. None of them were very serious, just bled a lot and required some sort of outside assistance to heal properly. This last time was the only time we checked his head with a CT scan and it was pretty cool...but it took a lot of time and I had all five kids with me in the ER. A nurse offered to watch the kids so I could be with Alex while he had the CT scan but when we left to go to the room she just walked away (!). Luckily Pavel didn't just walk off, too.